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Nathan Edwards
Nathan Edwards

Buy Rowan Tree Scotland [2021]

The rowan features in Norse mythology and legend has it that it saved the life of the god Thor by bending over a fast flowing river in the Underworld in which he was being swept away. Thor managed to grab the tree and get back to the shore.

buy rowan tree scotland

The physical characteristics of the tree may have contributed to its protective reputation. Each berry has a tiny five pointed star or pentagram opposite its stalk. The pentagram is an ancient protective symbol.

The tree itself was said to afford protection to the dwelling by which it grew, and residents would make sure not to damage them. To this day rowan trees can be seen growing beside rural dwellings in the Scottish Highlands and Ireland.

On the Isle of Man people wore crosses made from rowan twigs, without the use of a knife. They fastened them to cattle, or hung inside over the lintel on May Eve each year. From Scotland to Cornwall similar equal-armed rowan crosses bound with red thread were sewn into the lining of coats or carried in pockets.

There were strong taboos in the Highlands against the use of any parts of the tree save the berries. However there were exceptions. A threshing tool made of rowan and called a buaitean was used on grain meant for rituals and celebrations. The strength of these taboos did not apply in other parts of Britain it seems. Even so, there were sometimes more widespread rules to be observed in harvesting rowan. One example is the taboo against using knives to cut the wood.

The berries can be made into or added to a variety of alcoholic drinks. Different Celtic peoples each seem to have had their favourites. As well as the popular wine still made in the Highlands, the Scots made a strong spirit from the berries. The Welsh brewed an ale and the Irish used them to flavour mead. Today rowan berry jelly is still made in Scotland and is traditionally eaten with game.

A solitary rowan tree stands defiant on windswept Rannoch Moor, just visible from the busy A82 between Glen Coe and Bridge of Orchy. Its roots cling to a giant, lichen-covered boulder and its weathered crown testifies to its resilience against harsh conditions. Experts believe the survival of this specimen is due to its elevated position - beyond the reach of hungry sheep and deer.

The rowan tree has a special place in the hearts of the Scottish people. It was once worshipped by the Druids, planted near the doorways of homes as a protection from witches, used as part of the rituals in quarter-day celebrations and features prominently in Scottish folklore. Perhaps the most famous is the tale of Fraoch and Maeve.

Once more Fraoch dived into the cold water of the loch. Once more he evaded the sleeping beast and it seemed that he had achieved the impossible. But the weight of the tree slowed the swimmer down and he had broken the ancient taboo and cut the tree. Before he made the shore, the dragoness had awoken. She plunged into the water and in her fury, soon had the warrior clamped between her jaws. With no weapon to defend himself, the water turned red.

It seems that from before the beginning of time the rowan has been used as a defence against the Sidhe (or fairies). Later it would be used as a charm against witchcraft, warding off the effects of the evil eye or preventing milk being spoiled or stolen by malign magic. Rowan twigs along with ivy and woodbine were woven into loops and placed under milk jugs, pails and churns to prevent the milk from being stolen. Sprigs of rowan were either worn as protection or made into equal-armed rowan crosses bound with a red thread. These would then be sewn into the lining of coats or carried in pockets. They were also placed above doorways at Lughnasadh.

In Strathspey, it was customary for the people to make a hoop of rowan wood at Beltane and force sheep and lambs to pass through it, both in the morning and in the evening, as a charm against Black Magic.

However, in some parts of the Highlands, there were strong taboos about using the wood of the rowan. There was one exception: the flour for ceremonial cakes on feast days would be made using a threshing tool made of rowan. This was called the buaitean.

The berries can also be added to alcoholic drinks. As well as a popular wine made in the Highlands, a strong spirit can be made from the berries. Today rowan berry jelly is still eaten in Scotland, often with game.

Even today many modern houses have a rowan tree in their front garden as a protection against evil. We have a rowan tree in our garden. Over the course of the past few weeks, our resident blackbird family have descended and have been systematically stripping the tree of its clusters of bright red berries. Only this morning I notice that the berries have finally been consumed and the leaves are beginning to change colour. I sigh, remembering when the tree was a little sapling. When we moved into our current house, we uprooted the young tree and took it with us. Now it towers over me.

It is interesting to note that when the Scots emigrated to New Zealand, they carried with them the tradition of planting a rowan tree in the garden and it is still practised there today. Perhaps the relationship the Scots have with the rowan tree can be summed up in the words of the old folk song:

The Rowan tree is an elegant tree with delicate green leaves bearing clusters of creamy white flowers in spring and bright red berries in autumn, loved by birds. Suitable for most gardens. Fully hardy, it likes sun or semi-shade and most soils.

The Rowan is a slender tree with smooth grey bark and elegant, upward-reaching branches. Surprisingly it is a member of the Rose family. This tree is as happy growing on an exposed hill as it is on lowland heath and pasture.

The tree is watered before being carefully packed by one of our experienced staff on site. It comes in a cardboard box lined with straw. (We try to use as much recycling material as possible) The box is addressed to the customer or a specified name and address and sent out overnight delivery to arrive on requested dates.

Please note the size of the tree that you are ordering, as our trees are provided for our clients to plant themselves, which may appear at a small size rather than the fully grown tree as shown in the photos.To find out more information, please visit our Delivery & Returns page.

As the need for reforestation is global and ever-changing, we feature where trees are most needed now. This project supports Brazil, a country well-known for its rich ecological diversity. Learn more

Easy to grow - considered 'Good Luck' for gardens. Most of the Rowan trees have tiny pinnate leaves and are perfect for under planting with other shrubs and perennials and one of the best trees to grow with rhododendrons. In May - June Sorbus Trees produce a mass of tiny white - cream flowers followed by masses of berries. Easy to grow, and they say to have one in your garden is "good luck".

Rowan trees are favoured in Scotland and are held with high esteem in Scottish and Ancient Celtic folklore. It is a tree said to offer protection in more ways than one and it was once forbidden to cut one down in the case of bad luck. If items were harvested from the then they were only to be used for the means of ritual and nothing else.

As well as this, planting a rowan tree by your house is said to keep those who reside within safe from bad luck and evil spirits. It was also believed that carrying Rowan twigs on your person was a way of using the rowans protective qualities to keep you safe from threats of evil spells and witchcraft.

Rowan grows well in higher altitudes which is what makes it so popular in Scotland. Within Scottish folklore, it was believed that chopping down a rowan tree would only bring bad luck as they are such a strong symbol of protection.

Another story states how the branches from the Rowan Tree saved the life of the mighty Thor, God of Thunder. The tale goes that as Thor was being swept towards the underworld in a fast flowing river he was able to take hold of a rowan branch which safely got him back to shore.

The goddess, Hebe who lost her chalice of youth enlisted an eagle to go on a journey to retrieve it. The eagle fought to return it to her and wherever it dropped a feather or blood is where a rowan tree would grow.

The organic acids, tannins and sugars that are found in the berries produced by the rowan tree have a diuretic effect on the body. In turn, this made them popular to use when making tonics for the body and other medicines.

If you are planning to take a journey and wish to find enlightenment on your path then take a walking stick made traditionally made of rowan wood. It is believed to protect travellers from becoming lost and will help clear the mind and open up perspectives. It will level out your vibration and your mind and body into that of nature and the surrounding universe.

The Rowan Tree Gift is amongst one of our most popular saplings to send to friends and family. As planting this tree next to your home is said to protect those who reside within this is the perfect sapling for a unique house warming gift.

The rowan is thought to be less than 100 years old,[3][4] and used to be the only tree in a bare landscape. The Borders Forest Trust took over the land on 1 January 2000, and with support from One Tree Planted, the area has been reforested.[5][6] As of 2021, around 700,000 trees have been planted in the area, many by volunteers.[7]

The tree was nominated for the Scottish competition by Fi Martynoga of the Borders Forest Trust, who said that the tree "...rapidly became a very important symbol of our aspirations to see this valley completely rewooded and restored to its natural vegetation."[8] The tree has become a symbol of the Trust's ambition to rewild the valley, and inspired their slogan: "Where one tree survives, a million trees will grow."[9][4]

After being named Scotland's Tree of the Year in 2020, the tree was the UK's entry into the European Tree of the Year competition, organised by the Environmental Partnership Association, in 2021.[3][10] 041b061a72

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